If an estimate of 413 rigs in the Vale come true. What will you see flying into Cardiff airport?
Amazing aerial photo of how fracking can change the landscape. Do we want this in the Vale, or anywhere in Wales or Britain?
Follow up:
I just got a message from @amy_youngs who took the picture. I asked her if anyone had found the site on google maps. “Luckily, someone found it on the map here: https://maps.google.com/maps?q=31.421485,+-96.326416&hl=en&ll=31.422218,-96.344261&spn=0.134475,0.209427&sll=31.421962,-96.324477&sspn=0.016809,0.026178&t=h&gl=us&z=12 …”
Any other google maps of other Fracking sites?