update 25th Oct / 20th October 2013


Dear Friends and Neighbours,

Two members of the of the successful campaign that stopped energy company Cuadrilla drilling in Balcombe Sussex are to be special guest speakers at our meeting in the Bonvilston Reading Room at 7 pm on Monday 28th October. They have volunteered to share their experiences with us and to offer guidance and advice to our campaign as we move forward.

Sue Taylor is a Balcombe resident and campaigner who has helped set up the website and group Conservatives Against Fracking. “I want fracking to stop in the UK. I think it’s an enormous mistake”.
Sue has been campaigning tirelessly both locally in Balcombe and at national level. Click on this link to view the website http://www.conservativesagainstfracking.org/

Gillian Maher is another Balcombe campaigner and is the Green Party candidate standing in Worth Forest, where there are also concerns about the environmental impact of fracking operations. Click on this link to read more :

Your support at every meeting has been superb. These two campaigners will have travelled a long way to be with us. So please make a big effort to be at the meeting on Monday evening.

Because of the contacts that the Steering Group has made over the past few days the support for our petition has now grown from the last Newsletter’s 500 to today’s 600! This just goes to show that if we are to succeed it’s vital that we spread the word about the threat of fracking to our community. Then we, like the residents of Balcombe, can say “that we are proud to be residents of Llantrithyd AND protestors and protectors of our land”for future generations.

20th October 2013

Dear Friends and Neighbours,

On the 10th of May this year, 60 of us gathered at the Bonvilston Reading Room to register our protest against the application to drill a test bore hole for gas in Llantrithyd and as a result Villagers Against Drilling was established. Your support at every meeting since then has been superb and five months later we number 200 or more in friends and neighbours opposed to the drilling, and almost 500 supporters have put their names to our on line petition. All of this has been invaluable to our cause and in gaining publicity which in turn has linked us, in tiny Llantrithyd, to thousands of others across Wales and the UK who are opposed to this kind of development.

Now is the time to move on to the next level of objection and protest and we would like to ask you to attend another meeting at

Bonvilston Reading Room – this time on Monday 28th October at 7.00pm

where we propose to discuss the options that are open to us as we move forward. Please make every effort to attend; we need you one and all!


Eighteen thousand and more people have recently signed up to a new Greenpeace initiative called ‘Not for Shale’. Greenpeace lawyers maintain that it is unlawful for fracking companies to drill under your home without your permission and that through www.wrongmove.org you can refuse permission to frack under your homes, even if companies have made, or are already making plans to drill there. Click on the link to find out more.

The next Frack Free Wales coalition meeting is this Tuesday, 22nd of October at 7.00 pm at the Caeffatri pub, Bridgend. The last meeting was really well attended so get there early to grab a seat!
Gareth Rowlands
Steering Group, Villagers Against Drilling